Automate aHP

no-touch room sanitizer aHP

Saniswiss automate aHP allows to automate the tedious work of manual disinfection of surfaces often sloppy by lack of time. It disinfects everywhere and eliminates the risk of cross-contamination of any dedicated staff, ensuring optimum microbiological performance. The automate aHP will trigger the disinfection calculated on the volume of the room as well as the ml of biosanitizer aHP P, aHP C or S (bHP technology) needed. A few minutes are enough to disinfect all of the air and surfaces, including those that are difficult to reach. An average room requires short time aerosolization and only 30 minutes of rest time are recommended for common antimicrobial therapy. The room can be used immediately after ventilation of the volume. The operation is done outside human presence safely. It leaves no trace, does not wet, it is safe for surfaces or electronic equipments. Maximum volume 350 m3.

products: Saniswiss biosanitizer aHP P (preventive), Saniswiss biosanitizer aHP C (curative) or Saniswiss biosanitizer S.

medical device Class I. CE

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